Thursday, February 9, 2017

Stace And Her Many Cats

                        Top Penny Lane, left Sergeant Tibbs (Tibbs), right Magnus Bane                      

So I have three cats. Judge away! I do a little bit. I have more cats then children. But it wasn't exactly an intentional thing okay! Here's what happened. Jared and I had only been married a couple of weeks when my childhood cat Shubs had to be put to sleep. Apparently he got diagnosed with diabetes and the poor boy was so skinny and just miserable so a few days before Christmas mom and I took him in. I was devastated. Devastated. Jared, not entirely sure what to do with his new weeping wife, promised that one day we would get a kitten. At the time I couldn't even imagine getting another one. When you are a good owner a pet makes a special place in your heart and I needed time to grieve that part of my heart that was broken. I didn't know if I could open myself up to that kind of pain again but after about a year and a half I started wanting another one.

Well, we were still in the broke newly wed just had a baby stage so getting an animal was out of the question. Granted we did have fish which absolutely can be considered as pets. Jared bought Steph's kids a beta for Christmas one year and the thing stayed alive for almost three years. His name was Gill and everyone was very sad when he died. But the way Jared does fish they aren't pets. He doesn't name them, he doesn't love them. He just thinks they're cool and uses them for breeding. So I don't consider them pets therefore I was pet-less for years.

After five years of marriage we finally bought a house! Jared told me when we got a house I could get a kitten. Unbeknownst to us the former owners of the house had a cat. We found this out the first day we went and it was officially ours. There was a note on the counter that said she was an outdoor cat and that they couldn't find her when they wanted to leave so they just left her! They left her paperwork and told us her name was Bling Bling. I'm sorry but I just couldn't call my cat Bling Bling so I renamed her Penny Lane.

We got the kittens for my birthday. Okay let me be clear we did not go to the store with the intention of getting two cats. We were just going to get one so Penny had a friend and so that I could actually pick out a kitten. They were the only kittens in the store. What was I supposed to do? Separate them!? Uh, hello I have a heart! Jared was actually the one to convince me to get both. I wasn't going to because I'm sorry, three cats?

It was an adjustment for everyone, especially poor Pen. Tibbs and Penny fought over the alpha position and obviously Penny won because she is the queen. I feel like Tibbs has middle child syndrome. He's needy and almost seems insecure and just wants people to rub his fat belly all of the time. Bane is definitely the baby and I'll be honest he's pretty stinking stupid. The poor baby doesn't mean to be he just is. Its so funny how each of them has such obviously different personalities. Penny is the oldest and clearly the best, Tibbs brings everyone together, and Bane, well, he's just there and makes everyone happy. 

We are those people with three cats and I couldn't be happier about it.

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